Pension Benefits

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When can I retire with an unreduced pension?

You can retire with an unreduced pension (normal retirement) when you reach pensionable age.

You reach pensionable age when:

-you are age 55 and have at least 30 years of eligibility service, or

-the later of:

  • age 60,
  • the age at which you have completed two years of eligibility service, or
  • the age at which you would have completed two years of Plan membership assuming that your Plan membership continues.

When can I retire with a reduced pension?

You can retire with a reduced pension (early retirement):

-up to 10 years before you are entitled to an unreduced pension.

What are my pension options?

With less than two years of eligibility service and Plan membership
Under age 50
  • a deferred unreduced pension, payable at age 60,
  • a deferred reduced pension, payable at age 50, or
  • the commuted value of your pension benefit:
    • payable in a lump sum with income tax deducted at source, or
    • transferred to a non locked-in registered retirement savings plan.
Age 50 to 59
  • a deferred unreduced pension, payable at age 60,
  • an immediate pension reduced by 5% x (60 minus your age), or
  • the commuted value of your pension benefit:
    • payable in a lump sum with income tax deducted at source, or
    • transferred to a non locked-in registered retirement savings plan.
Age 60 and over
  • a deferred unreduced pension, payable at the age at which you would have completed two years of Plan membership assuming your Plan membership had continued,
  • an immediate pension reduced by 5% x (2 minus eligibility service), or
  • the commuted value of your pension benefit:
    • payable in a lump sum with income tax deducted at source, or
    • transferred to a non locked-in registered retirement savings plan.
With at least two years of eligibility service or Plan membership, but less than 25 years of eligibility service
Under age 50
Age 50 to 59
  • a deferred unreduced pension, payable at age 60, or
  • an immediate pension reduced by 5% x (60 minus your age).
Age 60 and over
  • an immediate unreduced pension.
With at least 25 years of eligibility service or Plan membership, but less than 30 years of eligibility service
Under age 50
Age 50 to 54
  • a deferred unreduced pension, payable at age 60, or
  • an immediate pension reduced by the greater of:
Age 55 to 59
  • a deferred unreduced pension, payable at age 60, or
  • an immediate pension reduced by the lesser of:
    • 5% x (60 minus your age) or
    • 5% x (30 minus your eligibility service).
Age 60 and over
  • an immediate unreduced pension.
With at least 30 years of eligibility service
Under age 45
Age 45 to 54
  • a deferred unreduced pension, payable at age 55, or
  • an immediate pension reduced by 5% x (55 minus your age).
Age 55 and over
  • an immediate unreduced pension.

How is my pension calculated?

Your pension is calculated using a pension formula, which considers:

Here is how the pension formula works:

If your HAE is less than the AMPE:

Lifetime pensionBridge benefit
Before age 651.3% x HAE x pensionable service plus0.7% x HAE x pensionable service
After age 651.3% x HAE x pensionable serviceNo longer paid

If your HAE is greater than the AMPE:

Lifetime pensionBridge benefit
Before age 651.3% x AMPE x pensionable service
2.0% x (HAE - AMPE) x pensionable service
plus0.7% x AMPE x pensionable service
After age 651.3% x AMPE x pensionable service
2.0% x (HAE - AMPE) x pensionable service
No longer paid

How is an unreduced pension calculated?

Here is a normal retirement example for a full-time employee and a part-time employee.

Normal retirement (Unreduced pension)

Full-time employee Example 1 Example 2
Age at retirement 55 60
Eligibility service (in years)3020
Pensionable service (in years) 3020
Retirement date October 8, 2025 October 8, 2025
HAE $68,000 $68,000
AMPE $66,580 $66,580
Lifetime pension
66,580 x 1.3% $865.54 $865.54
(68,000 - 66,580) x 2% 28.40 28.40
893.94 893.94
Total lifetime pension 893.94 x 30 = 26,818.20 893.94 x 20 = 17,878.80
Bridge benefit
66,580 x 0.7% 466.06 466.06
Total bridge benefit 466.06 x 30 = 13,981.80 466.06 x 20 = 9,321.20
Total annual pension benefit 26,818.20 + 13,981.80 = $40,800 17,878.80 + 9,321.20 = $27,200
Part-time employee
(working half the hours of a full-time employee)
Example 1Example 2
Age at retirement 55 60
Eligibility service (in years)3020
Pensionable service (in years) 1510
Retirement date October 8, 2025 October 8, 2025
HAE $68,000 $68,000
AMPE $66,580 $66,580
Lifetime pension
66,580 x 1.3% $865.54 $865.54
(68,000 - 66,580) x 2% 28.40 28.40
893.94 893.94
Total lifetime pension 893.94 x 15 = 13,409.10 893.94 x 10 = 8,939.40
Bridge benefit
66,580 x 0.7% 466.06 466.06
Total bridge benefit 466.06 x 15 = 6,990.90 466.06 x 10 = 4,660.60
Total annual pension benefit 13,409.10 + 6,990.90 = $20,400 8,939.40 + 4,660.60 = $13,600

How is a reduced pension calculated?

Here is an early retirement example for a full-time employee and a part-time employee as well as a reduced pension estimation table.

Early retirement (reduced pension)

Full-time employee Example 1 Example 2
Age at retirement 53 57
Eligibility service (in years)3026
Pensionable service (in years) 3026
Retirement date October 8, 2025 October 8, 2025
HAE $68,000 $68,000
AMPE $66,580 $66,580
Lifetime pension
66,580 x 1.3% $865.54 $865.54
(68,000 - 66,580) x 2% 28.40 28.40
893.94 893.94
Total lifetime pension 893.94 x 30 = 26,818.20 893.94 x 26 = 23,242.44
Bridge benefit
66,580 x 0.7% 466.06 466.06
Total bridge benefit 466.06 x 30 = 13,981.80 466.06 x 26 = 12,117.56
Total unreduced pension 26,818.20 + 13,981.80 = 40,800 23,242.44 + 12,117.56 = 35,360
Reduction formula 5% x (55 - 53) = 10% the lesser of
5% x (60 - 57) = 15% and
5% x (30 - 26) = 20%
Reduction amount 40,800 x 10% = 4,080 35,360 x 15% = 5,304
Annual reduced pension until age 65 40,800 - 4,080 = $36,720 35,360 - 5,304 = $30,056
Pension after age 65
Lifetime pension and bridge benefit $36,720 $30,056
Minus bridge benefit 13,981.80 12,117.56
Annual reduced pension after age 65 $22,738.20 $17,938.44
Part-time employee
(working half the hours of a full-time employee)
Example 1Example 2
Retirement age 53 57
Eligibility service (in years) 3026
Pensionable service (in years) 1513
Retirement date October 8, 2025 October 8, 2025
HAE $68,000 $68,000
AMPE $66,580 $66,580
Lifetime pension
66,580 x 1.3% $865.54 $865.54
(68,000 - 66,580) x 2% 28.40 28.40
893.94 893.94
Total lifetime pension 893.94 x 15 = 13,409.10 893.94 x 13 = 11,621.22
Bridge benefit
66,580 x 0.7% 466.06 466.06
Total bridge benefit 466.06 x 15 = 6,990.90 466.06 x 13 = 6,058.78
Total unreduced pension $13,409.10 + 6,990.90 = $20,400 $11,621.22 + 6,058.78 = $17,680
Reduction formula 5% x (55 - 53) = 10% the lesser of
5% x (60 - 57) = 15% and
5% (30 - 26) = 20%
Reduction amount 20,400 x 10% = 2,040 17,680 x 15% = 2,652
Annual reduced pension until age 65 20,400 - 2,040 = $18,360 17,680 - 2,652 = $15,028
Pension after age 65
Lifetime pension and bridge benefit $18,360 $15,028
Minus bridge benefit 6,990.90 6,058.78
Annual reduced pension after age 65 $11,369.10 $8,969.22

Reduced pension estimation table

To easily estimate your reduced pension, multiply your unreduced pension amount (lifetime plus bridge benefit) by the percentage found in the following table.

Years of eligibility service
Age12 - 24252627282930+
45Not eligible for early retirement50%
5575%75%75%80%85%90%95% 100%
5680%80%80%80%85%90%95% 100%
5785%85%85%85%85%90%95% 100%
5890%90%90%90%90%90%95% 100%
5995%95%95%95%95%95%95% 100%
60+95%100%100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Reduced pension estimation table

To easily estimate your reduced pension, multiply your unreduced pension amount (lifetime plus bridge benefit) by the percentage found in the following table.

Years of eligibility service
Age12 - 24252627282930+
45Not eligible for early retirement50%
5575%75%75%80%85%90%95% 100%
5680%80%80%80%85%90%95% 100%
5785%85%85%85%85%90%95% 100%
5890%90%90%90%90%90%95% 100%
5995%95%95%95%95%95%95% 100%
60+95%100%100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

How do I apply for my pension?

Contact the Pension Centre for a Retirement Kit.

When do my pension benefit payments start?

As long as all the forms are accurately completed and received by the Pension Centre during the month before your retirement date, your pension payments will start at the end of the month in which your retirement date falls.