Governance documents

Canada Post Corporation Registered Pension Plan - Defined Benefit (DB) and Defined Contribution (DC) components - Plan terms

The Canada Post Corporation Registered Pension Plan (the Plan) was adopted by Canada Post Corporation effective October 1, 2000. Prior to that date, Canada Post Corporation was subject to the Public Service Superannuation Act (PSSA). The Plan was created as a result of an amendment to the PSSA (Bill C-78) and the subsequent transfer of funds from the PSSA. Canada Post Corporation provides pension benefits to eligible employees of the Corporation. The Plan is a registered pension plan under the Income Tax Act (Canada) and the Pension Benefit Standards Act, 1985.

Canada Post Pension Plan Ethical Practices

Canada Post administers its own pension plan and pension fund for its employees and fulfills these important responsibilities while respecting best governance principles and ethical practices. The Canada Post Pension Plan Ethical Practices set out what is expected of all Canada Post employees who are part of the team that administers, invests for or supports the Canada Post Pension Plan (the Plan).

Contained in the Ethical Practices are:

  • the Code of Conduct Practice, which addresses conflict of interest and anti-fraud situations of particular relevance to the Plan, and
  • the Personal and Insider Trading Practice, which ensures that investment activities are carried out with the highest level of integrity.

Corporate Governance Principles and Proxy Voting Guidelines

As an institutional investor, one of the most important rights we have is the right to vote on our publicly traded shares and exercise our shareholder voice. This document, approved by the Pension Committee of the Board of Directors of Canada Post, outlines our expectations with respect to the governance practices of the companies in which we invest as well as provides guidance on how we are likely to exercise the voting rights attached to the shares we own. These guidelines also cover matters such as the composition of the board, executive compensation, shareholder rights, and the management of environmental and social risks.

Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures (SIPP) - Defined Benefit (DB) component

The Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures (SIPP) - Defined Benefit (DB) component - is the governing document, as established by the Pension Committee, for investing the assets of the Canada Post Corporation Registered Pension Plan (the Plan). The SIPP - DB details fund governance, Plan characteristics, liabilities, investment objectives, asset mix policy, permitted investments and constraints, as well as other requirements in the investment and administration of the Plan's assets. The SIPP - DB is reviewed and updated once a year, and approved by the Pension Committee of the Canada Post Corporation Board of Directors. As per pension regulations, the Plan's actuary and the members of the Pension Advisory Council receive a copy of the updated SIPP - DB after its approval.

Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures (SIPP) - Capital Accumulation Plans (CAP)

The Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures (SIPP) - Capital Accumulation Plans (CAP) - is the governing document, as established by the Pension Committee, for the investment structure of the Capital Accumulation Plans (CAP) offered by Canada Post. The CAP includes the Defined Contribution (DC) component of the Canada Post Corporation Registered Pension Plan (the Plan) and the Voluntary Savings Plan (VSP). The SIPP - CAP details fund governance, investment structure and beliefs, as well as other requirements in the investment and administration of the CAP assets. The SIPP - CAP is reviewed and updated once a year, and approved by the Pension Committee of the Canada Post Corporation Board of Directors. The Plan's actuary and the members of the Pension Advisory Council receive a copy of the updated SIPP - CAP after its approval.

Climate Action Plan - Defined Benefit (DB) component

Climate change is one of the largest systemic risks that we face today, the Plan shares our members concerns about it and is taking action to minimize its harmful effects. The transition to the low carbon economy calls for significant change in the shape and structure of our economy. There has been increasing action to develop mitigation and adaptation strategies to tackle global warming, manage the risks of climate change, and encourage a just transition to a sustainable low carbon economy. This also introduces complex climate-related risks and opportunities for investors to consider.

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